Title: Basilica Garden Technique: oil on canvas and gold leaf. Size: 400cm x 200cm Year: 2024 Veronika Blyzniuchenko
This impressive work of art was a donation from artist Veronika Blyzniuchenko that was received for the permanent collection of the Basilica da Estrela Monument. Inspired by the gardens of the Basilica, the artist used a canvas 4 meters high and two meters wide to express the great feeling of connection she has with this place, she also used approximately 700 (seven hundred) gold leaves, the plants that are seen In this work, they are plants that actually existed in the gardens, making everything authentic and connected.
“The beauty is a choice” The purpose of spreading beauty is eternalized in this environment.
Artist: Veronika Blyzniuchenko Curator: Newton Whitehurst de Castro