I am incredibly happy to have completed work on this large-scale and important canvas. After the large-scale canvas that was created and belongs to the basilica, this is the second art of such a scale.
This is a big surge and evolution of my fusion and connection with this special place Basilica da Estrella
From the first day, a special energy and style began to penetrate into my works, which found its final image in this canvas.
The entire composition and its heroes who migrated from canvas to canvas in my art are now depicted surrounded by a beautiful basilica’s garden headed by a fountain.
After many sketches, architectural drawings, small canvases, I was able to come to this canvas, combining in it all the special symbols and images that have appeared in my art since I stay here.
Every day spent here and every work for me has great historical significance connected with the greatness and centuries-old history of this place.
Daily work here has opened for me the concept of absolute harmony and fusion with art and eternity.
The symbol of swans is a constant symbol in my art since its inception. The black swan is a symbol of our inner indestructible power.
Horse as a symbol of courage and nobility also occupies a central place in the composition and has been an integral symbol from painting to painting over the past year.
Angels that do not need a detailed explanation of symbolism but their presence in my art is connected only with my presence in the basilica. Angels are the symbol in my works that you can trace only from the moment of creation of art here.
The stars as an integral symbol dedicated to the basilica shine on many of my canvases and are also a special stamp of my art periodicals.
This is an art that I dedicate to the moments of overcoming and super power that we have within us and can achieve through our faith. That is why I dedicate this work with the same name as the exhibition: «The Beauty is a choice».