My name is Veronika Blyzniuchenko. I was born in Ukraine, in the city of Kharkiv. I have a degree
in art history. After the outbreak of the full-scar war in my homeland, I moved to Portugal, where I
live and work now.I was born on July 16, in 1996 in Kharkiv, Ukraine. I graduated from the
Kharkov Academic Art Lyceum in 2013.In 2017, I received bachelor at the Kharkov State Academy
of Design and Arts (specialty - easel painting).I studied at the monumental painting faculty the first
two courses.In 2019, I graduated from the Kharkov Academy of Design and Arts, receiving master's
degree in easel painting.

The main kind of my activity is painting. I work in many various techniques, preferring watercolors
and oil painting.I am constantly searching for beauty and aesthetics, and I find them in everything
around me. But it wasn’t always like that. Over the years, I have found inspiration within myself,
and my works resulted from a complex process of finding a motif and transforming it. From the
first days of living in Portugal, this has changed radically.

Now everything that happens to me as an artist comes from outside. Fabulous nature, pictorial
architecture, and gradations of blue, which prevail in my paintings, surround me here at every turn.
The purity of color which plays a special role in my art now became even more important. I no
longer have to reinvent color - now it is enough to express it.

I feel perfect harmony with myself and the world around me. This fact is the main source of my
inspiration. The tiniest details like a smell of a blossoming tree in the garden or a bird enjoying the
morning sun and unaware that it has become a muse inspire me to create new works. Therefore, it is
quite logical that nature and animals, often fantasy ones, are at the heart of my art. The main
characters in many paintings are birds, and only in few works a human appears. Usually, it is a
collective idealized image.

I don’t consider myself an artist who communicates with society through my works. But each
viewer can form a personal impression and immerse into my imaginary, sometimes fairy-tale world,
so far from reality. I create windows into a fictional world and invite you to look through them.I
guess that my art attracts because each person looking at my pieces, has space for reflection and
fantasy, for associations and drawing parallels with his own worldview. My art satisfies the need to
unravel the mystery and encourages viewers to create their own stories in the context of what they